Item#: HR27943
Personalized Albums: choose from 11 colors. We provide a full color print to the front of the album using client logos or custom art work and wording. Scrapbooks make great memory holders. We have a minimum of only one album with volume discounting available. Available in larger 12x12 size and available to be personalized with full color printing or with gold or silver foil using a hot stamp dye. 8" L x 8" W
Available Colors: Light Blue, Pink, Lavender, Purple, Navy Blue, Burgundy Red, Forest Green, Royal Blue, Black, White
IMPRINTING: Full-color digital. Price includes 4 color process, 1 side, 1 location
Payment Terms:T/T
Delivery Time: Estimated 3-19 days
Update time: 10/20/2017 8:26:06 PM